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You're Surfing Already, why not GET PAID for it !?!

Did you know you can actually EARN MONEY by surfing the web, reading e-mail or just playing for fun?
WOW!!! That sound good, doesn't it? all you have to do is to surf like now, but with a small ad bar open, and they just pay you for it. You can make $1000 a month or even more!!! Much more... $$$. Join the companies below and I guarantee you won't be sorry. Keep coming back, I'll keep posting companies similar to the ones below. If you're not interested in making money, you're loss. If you are, keep reading. It's definitely worth it!!! Also, make sure to sign up for all of them, you never know which one is going to succeed, and which one is not.
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Get Paid to Surf

(Table Of Companies)

Highly Recommended: AdSenger, CashFiesta, GetPaid4, ClickDough
Recommended: CashSurfers, Jotter, Spedia, PaidForSurf

Name Availability / Checks Nature of Ad Delivery Referral Levels Your Rate Referral Rate per Levels 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 Countries Max Usage Per Month Comments
Rating: 10+
Now Adsenger
5 Up to 10$ per ad 20% Level 1,
10% Level 2-5
Available Worldwide Unlimited GET THIS ONE!!!
Make money any time you are connected to the net, even if you are not an avid surfer! Whenever you are connected to the net, you have the option of accepting ads to view. View them only when you are free - You are in total control.
Rating: 10+
Now FiestaBar
(Ad Banner)
5 $0.60 $0.20/$0.10
$0.05 Level 3-5
Available Worldwide Unlimited GET THIS ONE!!!
The rates are approximated. You can accumulate credits via using their 'FiestaBar,' receiving emails, playing games and more.
Rating: 10+
Now AdVision
2 up to 2$ a ad 13% Level 1,
7% Level 2
Available Worldwide Unlimited Bepaid pays you for viewing full screen advertisements. You have control over which ads you view using the Advision Control software which runs in the background.
Rating: 10
Advert Bar
(Ad Banner)
7 70%
($0.40/hr in July)
Available Worldwide 75 hours GET THIS ONE!!!
Part of (former TeknoSurf), 3-year-old internet advertising company. I guarantee you they'll be one of the best!!! They pay percentage of their revenues.
Rating: 10
Personal Window
(Ad Banner)
8 50%
($0.20/hr in July)
10% Level 1,
5% Level 2,
2.5% Level 3-8
Available Worldwide Unlimited
Part of ClickRebates.You don't need software, it opens a small, web-based window.Great payment system.ClickDough is a very good and reliable company with the best coustmer support.
Rating: 10
CashBar Navigator
(Ad Banner)
4 ??
($0.25/hr in Feb)
All Levels
Available Worldwide Unlimited You get paid for your referrals even if you don't surf. Might not be paying much yet, but they're very prompt with their payments,and their CashBar is neat.
Rating: 10
(Ad Banner)
5 $0.50 $0.10 Level 1,
$0.05 Level 2-5
US,Canada,Western Europe,UK,Australia & NZ.
Others soon.
25 hours The first and biggest, most employees and most members.They even recently filed for IPO
Rating: 10
Now Jotter
(Ad Banner)
6 $0.50 $0.05 Level 1-4
$0.03 Level 5
$0.02 Level 6
Available in the USA,Canada,and the UK for now,others soon. 15 hours More than just an adbar! Jotter not only pays you to surf up to 15 hours a month - it also: Remembers IDs & Passwords; Fills Forms With A Click; Searches 100's of Sites; Comparison Shops; Plays CDs, MP3s and Videos; Bookmarks Favorite Sites; and is a Web Site Privacy Advisor.
Rating: 9
(Ad Banner)
5 50%
($0.19/hr in Feb)
$0.10 Level 1,
$0.05 Level 2-5
Available Worldwide Unlimited Nice payout structure,you have to match your downline surfing in order to be paid for it.(you have to click on more the 0.5% of the ads)
Rating: 9
(Ad Banner)

1 ??
($0.48/hr in Mar)
25% Available Worldwide Unlimited You can earn money by surfing,playing games,signing up for various offers and more.they dont seem to track your time very accurately.
Rating: 9
(Ad Banner)
5 $0.60 $0.15 Level 1,
$0.05 Level 2-5
Available Worldwide 15,000 ads The rates are not per hour,but per 1000 ads viewed(which takes several hours to reach).PayBar have a nice little bar and a good coustmer service,but their rates are low.(although improving)
Rating: 9
(Ad Banner)
6 45%
($0.23/hr in Mar)
1% Level 3-6
Available Worldwide Unlimited They have recently changed their payment plan to unlimited. Their software is pretty decent.You can get paid either by a ClixCard or by Check.
Rating: 9
Now pIggy
(Ad Banner)
5 50% 5% Level 1,
2.5% Level 2-5
Available Worldwide $50 per month
+ Referrals
pIggy doesn't take-up space on your desktop, integrates with your browser. They also have a free lottery. To get pIggy e-mail Jackie at valuepay and request it.
Rating: 9
4 Varies 20% Level 1,
10% Level 2
5% Level 3-4
US and Canada,Internationals can get credit for their own use and their active referrals usage,and will be paid for it soon. Unlimited No banners or buttons, but full motion video, audio and interaction with no download, delay or interruption!
Rating: 8.5
Now PayStation
(Ad Banner)
Start Page
(No Software Needed)
5 $0.50 $0.15 Level 1,
$0.08 Level 2-5
Available in UK, EU, Norway, Switzerland,US and Canada ,Others soon. 80 hours Payments are made in Pounds, Dollars or Euros. Get paid to use their start page/portal too (this service is available anywhere in the world) and they offer cash prizes for contests too.
Rating: 8.5
(Button working as internet portal)
3 20% 5%/10%/15% Available Worldwide Unlimited You get paid to click on links, percentage of ePilot's revenue. Most links are $0.50+ per click!!! Size of Start button, doesn't take up any space.
Rating: 8.5
(Ad Banner)
4 40% 10%/5%/2%
US,Others soon.
Internationals can get credit for their active referrals,and will be paid for it soon.
Unlimited Percentage of revenue, pretty low rates for now. Don't need to surf the web to get paid.They also pay you to read email.

Get Paid to Read

Highly Recommended: All of them!!! You don't need to run any software.

Name availability Levels Your
Countries Comments
Rating: 10
3 $0.03 $0.01/$0.01/$0.01 Available Worldwide The BEST paid email program,they send alot of have to click on the link in the e-mail in order to get paid. (Tip: in order to get the max. number of e-mails and to get paid the most, log into your yesmail account and mark ALL the interest categories!)
Rating: 10
Now 2 $0.05 $0.03/$0.01 Available Worldwide Same idea as the rest, except they pay for two referral levels. They also give you your own email account. Would that make it better? YES!!! (Tip: in order to get the max. number of e-mails and to get paid the most, log into your account and mark ALL the interest categories!)

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